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PJ, CR Visit ICD
Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija PJ during his visit at the ICD

On Wednesday November 17, 2021, the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, visited the International Crimes Division of the High Court to discuss service delivery at the Court.

Accompanied by the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, the PJ met with all Judicial Officers at the Division in the chambers of the Head of Division, Hon. Justice Dr Andrew Bashaija.

Among the issues discussed were funding of the Division, expeditious hearing of Thomas Kwoyelo, Jamil Mukulu, and King Charles Mumbere cases. The others were; alternative premises for the court and the need for court recording equipment.

In his brief to the PJ, Hon. Justice Bashaija highlighted the milestones and the operational challenges of the Division.

The challenges reported included lack of interpreters, the need for ICT equipment, funds to cater for the complex and costly ICD trials. Other challenges mentioned were insufficient funds for sessions and outreach campaigns, security for judicial officers and lawyers given the fact that the Court handles terrorism cases. The Judge emphasized the need for specialized training for Judicial Officers and lawyers.

In response,  the PJ disclosed that the plan is for the Court to become an International Criminal Court in Africa. Adding that the visit was intended for him to appreciate the Court's challenges. He pledged to support the Division to ensure the conclusion of the Kwoyelo case.

On her part, the Chief Registrar committed to support the Court to hold a Court Open Day and provide more copies of the compendium of laws related to International Crimes.

After the meeting, the PJ and the CR were led on a guided tour of the Court premises. The meeting was attended by among others; the Deputy Head of the Division, Hon. Justice Lady Susan Okalany; Judges; Hon.Justice Vincent Okwanga, Hon. Justice Lady Elizabeth Kabanda, Hon. Justice Lady Justice Elizabeth Jane Alividza, and Hon. Justice Stephen Mubiru (one of the circuiting Judges to the ICD).

The others were the Court's Deputy Registrar, HW Stella Beatrice Atingu, and Assistant Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Akello Florence.

Posted 17th, November 2021
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